Materials / Resources & Advanced Materials

Wood Pellet/Torrefied Wood Pellet

Wood Pellet—a Carbon-Neutral Fuel

Wood pellet is a biomass fuel produced from thinned lumbers generated at forest and from wood wastes generated at sawmills. Iwatani handles wood pellets with forest certification produced primarily in Southeast Asia including Vietnam. Iwatani implements a voluntary code of conduct based on guidelines established by the Japanese Forestry Agency (guideline of certifying woody biomass for electric use).
Voluntary Code of Conduct


As a carbon neutral fuel, wood pellets do not affect emissions of CO2 into the atmosphere. Wood pellets are derived from thinned lumbers, wood wastes and sawdust generated from sawmills, however the originating trees absorb CO2 during their growth cycle, offsetting the CO2 emitted when they are burned. Overall, they have a zero effect on atmospheric CO2 levels. Iwatani works with multiple leading suppliers who operate stable production and quality control systems and offer enough supply capabilities to ensure a stable long-term supply of high quality wood pellets.


Iwatani offers wood pellets with forest certification. We are also a certified supplier of woody biomass used for power generation, a requirement for supplying to biomass power plants in Japan.


Iwatani also handles a broad range of other products, including the silica sand feeded to power generation boilers to assist combustion of biomass fuel. Iwatani is working on the commercial development of torrefied wood pellets*, a promising alternative to coal.

*Torrefied Wood Pellet: Biomass fuel with increased calorific value produced by processing wood pellets and other biomass fuels

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Resources & Advanced Materials Department
Biomass Section


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