Materiality and SDGs
Based on our corporate philosophy—Become a person needed by society, as those needed by society can prosper—the Iwatani Group will strive to achieve sustained growth and to deliver solutions to social issues, thereby completing the four component processes of our Long-Term Vision for 2030.
Materiality Identification Process
Identifying Issues
Identifying issues gleaned from the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and items evaluated by environmental, social, and governance (ESG) rating agencies
Determining the Importance of Various Issues
Analyzing the importance of issues in light of the corporate philosophy, the Iwatani Code of Corporate Ethics, and management strategies.
Identifying Materiality
Identifying as each materiality judged to be important both to society and stakeholders and to the Iwatani Group
Our Stance on Materiality
We choose as material items key aspects deemed highly important along the axes of both importance to the Iwatani Group (horizontal axis) and importance to society/stakeholders (vertical axis).
Long-Term Vision and Materiality
Long-Term Vision
Our Vision for FY2030
Corporate group that continues to contribute to the creation of a more comfortable space on the Earth
Development of a CO CO2-free hydrogen supply chain
Promotion of a resource resource-circulating society
Provision of infrastructure and services that support local communities
Enhancement of the management foundations to promote sustained growth
Create businesses that will lead to the realization of a sustainable society
Provide infrastructure and services that will enrich people’s lives
Promote innovation with the use of technologies and expertise
Develop an environment and systems in which diverse human resources can thrive
Develop more transparent governance
Create businesses that will lead to the realization of a sustainable society
- ・Promote commercialization of a CO2-free hydrogen supply chain
- ・Develop and expand low-/zero-carbon solutions
- ・Deliver stable supplies of resources and strengthen resource circulating business
Provide infrastructure and services that will enrich people’s lives
- ・Maintain resilient LPG supply chains and strengthen disaster prevention measures
- ・Embody Iwatani GateWay concept
- ・ Extend cartridge gas business overseas and develop new products
Promote innovation with the use of technologies and expertise
- ・Develop and market technologies for the social implementation of hydrogen
- ・Establish and implement green LPG technology
- ・Develop applications for and strengthen quality control and safety of industrial gases
Develop an environment and systems in which diverse human resources can thrive
- ・Establish systems to enhance employee engagement
- ・Create workplace environments where diversity is accepted and valued
- ・Recruit and develop people who respond to change and continue to create value
Develop more transparent governance
- ・Fulfill the functions of the Board of Directors and secure its diversity
- ・Promote dialogue with stakeholders
- ・Strengthen risk management system
Working toward the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
At Iwatani, we consider a sound understanding of and efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations in 2015, essential aspects of identifying materiality. By validating the relationship between each materiality and the 17 Goals and 169 Targets of the SDGs and identifying which SDGs relate to each materiality, the Iwatani Group will contribute to widespread innovations throughout society.