Environmental Data

Material Balance

The material balance provides an overview of our environmental impact. In FY2003, Iwatani began surveying consolidated Group companies in Japan for their environmental impact and publishing the results. Our goal is to improve environmental efficiency in our business activities by reducing resource inputs, energy consumption, waste outputs, energy-derived CO2 emissions, and other environmental impact factors.

Material balance (Iwatani Group*1) FY2020 FY2021 FY2022
Inputs Electricity (thousand kWh) 305,406 344,793 336,325
Steam (Gj) 11,858 11,875 17,197
LPG 151,709 153,305 140,036
City gas/LNG 89,010 54,235 58,809
Diesel 206,471 175,902 174,239
Gasoline 150,439 147,307 143,405
Kerosene 12,369 13,797 13,359
Bunker A 6,056 8,868 8,009
Paper (t)*2 251 (95%) 232 (96%) 224 (98%)
Water (thousand m3)*2 954 (95%) 1,001 (96%) 1,007 (90%)
Outputs Recycling (paper) (t)*1*3 186 156 171
Industrial wastes (t)*1 5,808 5,722 11,024
Wastewater (thousand m3)*1*2 845 (95%) 887 (95%) 903 (88%)
CO2 emissions (t) Domestic Scope 1*1 81,570 85,208 85,935
Scope 2*1*4 132,928 151,247 141,976
Overseas Scope 1*5 37,686
Scope 2*5 121,454

Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions


Items FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 Remarks
Scope 1 Domestic*1 81,570 85,208 85,935
Overseas*5 37,686
Scope 2 Domestic*1*4 132,928 151,247 141,976
Overseas*5 121,454
Scope 3 Scope 3 (total) 8,559,372 8,846,895 10,764,421
Category 1 Purchased goods and services 2,936,522 3,181,419 4,233,523
Category 2 Capital goods 20,428 25,324 71,139
Category 3 Fuel-and energy related activities (not included in scope 1 or scope 2) 44,090
Category 4 Upstream transportation and distribution 57,073 Calculated using the calculation scope and method for specific shippers in the calculation, reporting, and disclosure system
Category 5 Waste generated in operations 16,242 15,988 30,837
Category 6 Business travel 1,321 1,325 1,480
Category 7 Employee commuting 4,738 4,734 5,309
Category 8 Upstream leased assets Emissions associated with the use of leased assets are omitted, as they are calculated in Scope 1 and Scope 2
Category 9 Downstream transportation and distribution Omitted due to the diverse nature of transportation and distribution, which renders accurate assessments difficult
Category 10 Processing of sold products Omitted due to the diverse range of products, which renders accurate assessments difficult
Category 11 Use of sold products 5,465,635 5,492,873 6,197,114 Emissions resulting from the use of LP gas, LNG, kerosene, and carbon dioxide gas sold
Category 12 End-of-life treatment of sold products Omitted due to the diverse range of products, which renders accurate assessments difficult
Category 13 Downstream leased assets 386 353 327
Category 14 Franchise Omitted due to no relevance
Category 15 Investment 114,099 124,878 123,529
  • *1 Totals include domestic consolidated subsidiaries and two equity-method affiliates using large volumes of energy in addition to domestic Iwatani Corporation business sites.
  • *2 Where estimates are included, the percentage of announced figures consisting of actual measurements are indicated in parentheses.
  • *3 Recycled paper volumes include paper resources other than those for business use, including newspapers, magazines, and wrapping paper.
  • *4 CO2 emissions from electricity use in Scope 2 for FY2020 are calculated on a location basis. Those for FY2021 and FY2022 are calculated on a market basis.
  • *5 Overseas consolidated subsidiaries and liaison offices are included within the total.
  • Note 1: Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are calculated in accordance with the GHG Protocol standards.
  • Note 2: Underscored figures have been independently verified by SOCOTEC Certification Japan.
  • Please refer to the third-party assurance reports available below.
  • FY2023 (Scope 1, Scope 2, Scope 3)
  • FY2022 (Scope 1, Scope 2, Scope 3)
  • FY2019-FY2021 (Scope 3)

Contributions to CO2 reductions

In FY2022, we helped achieve reductions of approximately 560,000 t in CO2 emissions through LPG and LNG fuel conversion efforts, by supplying hydrogen for use in FCVs and FC buses, and by boosting sales of biomass fuel (PKS), biomass PET resins, and Hydrocut® premixed hydrogen-cutting gas. We are committed to fighting global warming through proactive sales expansion efforts and the development of clean energy and other Solutions.

Reduction concept
LPG and LNG fuel conversion Contributing to CO2 emissions reductions (at the stage of use) through conversion from heavy oil and other fuels to LPG and LNG
Supplying hydrogen for FCVs and FC buses Contributing to CO2 emissions reductions (at the stage of use) by supplying hydrogen as fuel for FCVs and FC buses
Biomass fuel (PKS) Contributing to CO2 emissions reductions (at the stage of use) by supplying PKS for power generation use
Biomass PET resins Contributing to CO2 emissions reductions through replacing traditional PET resins with resins made from plant-derived raw materials (at the stages of raw-material production and waste disposal)
Hydrocut® premixed hydrogen-cutting gas Contributing to CO2 emissions reductions (LCA) via the replacement of acetylene and other cutting gases with hydrogen-mixed Hydrocut® gas