Iwatani Code of Corporate Ethics
Under the corporate philosophy “Become a person needed by society, as those needed by society can prosper,” Iwatani wishes to live together with society and remain useful to society. What a company should basically do to realize this philosophy is to comply with social norms, and we recognize that this is our top priority. To this end, each of us swears to comply with this code consisting of the principles set forth below with dignity.
In order to realize the spirit of this code, the management will take initiatives to improve the internal structures to ensure that it will be well known throughout the group.
- 1. We will create new values sought by our customers, thereby contributing to society.
- To listen to the voices of our customers at any time, and create values
- To put the top priority on obtaining the support and trust, as well as satisfaction and empathy of our customers
- To make continuous efforts to enhance quality to meet the expectations of our customers, always with a pioneering spirit and without failing to achieve transform ourselves
- To build up a creative and vital corporate culture while developing individual potential capabilities
- 2. We respect compliance with the related laws and ordinances and their spirit, and fulfill our social responsibility through fair and free competition.
- To comply with the Antimonopoly Act, the Product Liability Act, the High Pressure Gas Safety Act, and other related laws and ordinances, and develop free and fair trades
- To consistently reconsider and discuss the existing commercial customs from the standpoint of fairness, economic rationality, consumer interest, and so forth
- To maintain sound and healthy relationships with politics and governments
- To take a tough stance against organizations or other groups that would endanger the order and safety of civil society
- To ensure timely and adequate financial and accounting recording and reporting
- 3. We will proactively disclose our corporate information and have a dialogue with society in order to obtain wide support and mutual understanding from society.
- To disclose information appropriately in accordance with societal expectations
- To timely and continuously disclose useful and reliable information based on social norms and our own judgment
- To promote understanding of our corporate management and business activities among stakeholders
- 4. We will respect diverse values and create an environment where abilities can be fully demonstrated irrespective of the race, nationality, gender, and age to flexibly respond to changes in business environment.
- To respect human rights, and refrain from any form of discrimination and harassment
- To constantly enlighten ourselves, strive to develop our abilities and productivity and to realize ourselves
- To strive to develop human resources so that officers and employees can demonstrate freewheeling thinking and imaginative powers through teamwork based on individual characters and independence
- To strive to realize an affluent life and welfare based on the basic recognition that the source of corporate prosperity is people
- 5. We will conduct corporate activities aimed at realization of a decarbonized society and coexisting with the environment in accordance with the idea embodied in the phrase “Creation of a more comfortable space on the Earth is what Iwatani wishes and strives for.”
- To comply with the Iwatani Group Environmental Charter and harmonize with the natural environment
- To live with local communities as a good corporate citizen
- 6. We will conduct corporate management from an international perspective.
- To respect national cultures and customs and contribute to the development of each country when doing business abroad
- To conduct high-quality management that conforms to globally prevailing ways of thinking and standards