Sustainability Bonds

Since our founding in 1930, Iwatani has provided products and services over wide-ranging fields based on our corporate philosophy, “Become a person needed by society, as those needed by society can prosper.”
While today’s society faces a wide range of challenges in areas ranging from the environment and global warming to energy, we will continue striving to establish a sustainable, resource-circulating, carbon-free society by ceaselessly creating and supplying what society needs.
Under our Sustainability Bond Framework, we use the proceeds from issues of Sustainability Bonds to invest in developing a CO2-free hydrogen supply chain, building a system to reliably supply LPG, and promoting a resource-circulating society, as exemplified by the development of raw materials with low environmental impact.
We will continue to supply infrastructure and services that support local communities while striving to establish a hydrogen energy-based and carbon-free society.

Outline of Sustainability Bonds

As of June 14, 2024

Bond Name Iwatani Corporation 5th Series Unsecured Corporate Bond (with Special Limited Inter-bond Pari Passu Clause) (Sustainability Bond) Iwatani Corporation 6th Series Unsecured Corporate Bond (with Special Limited Inter-bond Pari Passu Clause) (Sustainability Bond)
Redemption Period 7 years 10 years
Amount of Issuance 5 billion yen 5 billion yen
Issue Date January 25, 2024 January 25, 2024
Maturity Date January 24, 2031 January 25, 2034
Interest Rate Annual 0.836% Annual 1.218%
Use of Proceeds Proceeds will be used for capital and other investments related to the development of a CO2-free hydrogen supply chain and provision of infrastructure and services that support local communities based on the Iwatani Corporation’s Sustainability Bond Framework as well as for the repayment of funds borrowed for such purposes.
Credit Rating A+ (Japan Credit Rating Agency, Ltd.)
Framework Iwatani Corporation Sustainability Bond Framework
Second-Party Opinion We obtained a second-party opinion from Japan Credit Rating Agency, Ltd., an independent rating agency, regarding the compliance of these sustainability bonds with the Climate Transition Finance Handbook 2023, issued by the International Capital Market Association (ICMA); Basic Guidelines on Climate Transition Finance 2021, issued by the Financial Services Agency, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and Ministry of the Environment of Japan; Green Bond Principles 2021, Social Bond Principles 2023, and Sustainability Bond Guidelines 2021, issued by ICMA; Green Bond Guidelines 2022, issued by the Ministry of the Environment; and Social Bond Guidelines 2021, issued by the Financial Services Agency.
Reporting Iwatani Corporation / 5th and 6th Series Unsecured Corporate Bonds (Sustainability Bond) Reporting (As of March 2024)
Lead Managers Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities Co., Ltd.
Nomura Securities Co., Ltd.
Nomura Securities Co., Ltd.
Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities Co., Ltd.
Sustainability Bond Structuring Agent Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities Co., Ltd. Nomura Securities Co., Ltd.