Materials / Resources & Advanced Materials

PKS (Palm Kernel Shells)

Carbon-Neutral Biofuel Is Gaining Attention as a Renewable Energy Source.

A byproduct produced during the production of palm oil, PKS (palm kernel shells) is used as a fuel in biomass power plants. Iwatani handles PKS produced in Indonesia and Malaysia.

Iwatani’s Strengths

Product Details

Iwatani’s Strengths

1Stable Long-Term Supply Arrangements

To ensure stable PKS supply, Iwatani maintains long-term relationship with suppliers who operates Crude Palm Oils Mills.

2Flexible Delivery Schedules

Iwatani procures PKS from multiple shipping sites in Indonesia and Malaysia to allow the flexible delivery schedules.

3Strict Quality Control

PKS which moisture and foreign material are controlled will be shipped from Indonesia and Malaysia. Upon importation, we conduct in-house quality analysis at the Iwatani R&D Center, checking constituents, calorific value, specific gravity, and other parameters.

PKS Features

PKS, a carbon-neutral fuel, is derived from the fruit kernel of palm trees, which absorb CO2 when they grow. This offsets the CO2 emitted during combustion, resulting in a net zero impact on atmospheric CO2 levels.

Effective Use of Palm Trees

Malaysia and Indonesia grow enormous palm trees, and the harvested palm fruits are mainly used for palm oil and cosmetics production. Conventionally, the remnants of these processes were simply disposed, However those are used as biomass fuel in our own day.

GGL Certification

Iwatani has achieved GGL (Green Gold Label) certification. Iwatani’s declaration


Iwatani also handles a wide range of products such as silica sand for use in power generation boilers to assist in the combustion of biomass fuels.

Please inquire for more information.

Resources & Advanced Materials Department
Biomass Section


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