InquiriesElectronic Equipment

  • 1Enter the information for your inquiry.
  • 2Check the information you have entered.
  • 3Complete submission of your inquiry.


Please select your reason for contacting us.required



Your Information

Your Namerequired


Company / Organization Namerequired


Country / Arearequired


Phone Number

E-mail Addressrequired


Your personal information collected here will be used only for the purpose of confirming your inquiry and responding to you according to our privacy policy.

Please read"Privacy Policy"and"Terms of Use".


Please Note

  • It may take some time for us to respond to your inquiry and, in some cases, submitted inquiries may not receive a response.
  • Inquiries which received on Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, year-end and New Year holidays, etc. will be handled on the next business day or later.
  • Depending on the content, our group companies may respond to your inquiry.
  • Without our permission, please refrain from diverting or secondary use of part or all part of our response. Our reply is sent to the individual who sent us the inquiry.