Machinery / Utilities

Energy Savings and Workplace Environment Improvement

We focus on proposing products and configurations that help to improve workplace environments and achieve energy and manpower savings. Additionally, we offer a broad range of essential production site products, including compressors, automated warehouses, cranes, and measuring instruments, all backed by extensive experience.

Air Compressors

Air Compressors
Air compressors (Kobelco Compressors Corporation)

Iwatani helps customers reduce their energy consumption by introducing various air compressors and inverter machines from a broad range of manufacturers, including Kobelco, as well as devices for optimizing the number of units operating.

Cooling Water Circulation System

Cooling Water Circulation System
Energy-saving chiller (Orion Machinery Co., Ltd.)

We offer a wide range of chillers and cooling water circulation systems that feature various energy-saving functions, including modular control for multiple unit configurations and hybrid cooling.

Oil Cleaner

Oil Cleaner
Electrostatic oil cleaner (Kleentek Corporation)

This product removes oxidation modifiers in oil to improve equipment operating efficiency. The environmentally friendly product also eliminates waste oil.

Dust Collecting Machine

Dust Collecting Machine
SMOG-HOG (fume and mist eliminator) (Meiko-Shoji Co., Ltd.)

This electrostatic dust collector efficiently eliminates charged particles to improve air in workplace environments. This is just one of the products we offer for improving factory environments.

Please inquire for more information on energy saving and workplace environment improvement systems.

Robot & FA System Department

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